JohnLawCoin Wallet

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Your account info ? Account address: Your account address.
Coin balance: Your coin balance.
Bond balance: Your bond balance.
balance: Your balance.
Voted in the current epoch: Whether you have voted in the current epoch. You can vote only once per epoch.

ACB info ? Contract address: The address of the ACB contract.
Total coin supply: The total coin supply.
Total bond supply: The total bond supply.
Bond budget: The current bond budget. If the budget is positive, it indicates the number of bonds you can purchase. If the budget is negative, it indicates the number of bonds you can redeem regardless of their redemption dates.
Current exchange rate: The current exchange rate.
Current epoch ID: The current epoch ID.
Current epoch started: The timestamp when the current epoch started.
Next epoch will start: The timestamp when the next epoch will start.
Current time: The current timestamp.

Open Market Operation info ? Current state: You can sell and purchase JLC / You can sell JLC and purchase / Closed.
Coin budget: If the budget is positive, it indicates the amount of JLC the you can purchase (by selling ). If the budget is negative, it indicates the amount of JLC you can sell (by purchasing ).
balance: The pooled balance.
Current price: The current price.
Latest exchanged price: The latest price at which the Open Market Operation exchanged JLC with .
Price chart: The price auction is implemented as a Dutch auction. When the auction is selling JLC, the price is lowered until the coin budget becomes zero. When the auction is purchasing JLC, the price is raised until the coin budget becomes zero.

Send coins ? You can send coins to your friend's account address.

[This operation consumes some as transaction fee.]

Your friend address:

Amount of coins:

Vote ? Look up a real-world currency exchanger (e.g., Uniswap) and choose the JLC <-> USD exchange rate at the point when the current epoch started. If no currency exchanger supports the JLC <-> USD conversion yet, choose 1 JLC = 1.1 USD (Oracle level 5).

When you voted at epoch N, 10% of your coin balance is deposited to the ACB. The deposited coins will be returned to your wallet with some reward at epoch N+2 as long as you vote at epoch N+1 and epoch N+2. See help to learn the mechanism more.

[This operation consumes some as transaction fee.]

Current exchange rate:

Purchase coins ? You can sell and purchase JLC as long as the coin budget is positive. The current / JLC price is displayed in the Open Market Operation info.

[This operation consumes some as transaction fee.]

Amount of coins:

Sell coins ? You can sell JLC and purchase as long as the coin budget is negative. The current / JLC price is displayed in the Open Market Operation info.

[This operation consumes some as transaction fee.]

Amount of coins:

Purchase bonds ? You can purchase bonds as long as the bond budget is positive. The bond price is 996 coins / bond. The bond can be redeemed for 1000 coins on the redemption date or when the bond budget becomes negative.

[This operation consumes some as transaction fee.]

Amount of bonds:

Redeem bonds ? You can redeem bonds after the redemption dates. You can also redeem bonds regardless of the redemption dates when the bond budget is nevative. Expired bonds are not redeemable.

[This operation consumes some as transaction fee.]

Donate ? Donate some to JohnLawCoin. The donated will be used for the development (e.g., the transaction fee of creating contracts, the monthly fee to use an Ethereum node provider). Thanks!

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